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HS2 Health impact survey
data management policy

The purpose of this survey is to enable the simple aggregation of potential medical impacts caused by the work relating to HS2 within the village of Water Orton. The infomration provided will also allow for simple analysis to "map" responses by location of residence, age group and gender and see if any area or group are particularly affected. 

Your confidentiality and privacy are of key importance, no personal data such as name or contact details will be collected. 

Apart from this consent form no question requires any specific answer and any extra questions may be ignored should you not wish to detail any specific information. 

This survey will collect, store and transfer data supplied for the following purposes:

1. Information will be collected to enable the aims and objectives above to be completed. 

1: Whilst the survey is open the information will be stored on the secure servers of smartsurvey and will be administered by Vric Consulting (registered office 26, Orton Close, Water Orton, B46 1SY - Founding consultant Steve Stuart) 

1. All responses will be shared with Judith Cleaver for administrative action. 
2. Individual responses may be shared with Governmental Agencies with responsibility for air quality monitoring (eg North Warwickshire Borough Council, Public Health Warwickshire) 
3. Responses may be shared with those with responsibility to provide mitigation of the activities relating to HS2 on issues relating to air quality. 
4. Aggregated information will be shared with Judith Cleaver for potential trend analysis. Should any trends be spotted information relating to generic trends may be used in publicity highlighting this issue.    

Queries, concerns, requests
1. At the end of the survey you will be given the opportunity to print your response. 
2. If you have any further concerns relating to the managment of the response you have given please email - to enable any specific data deletion you will require the date stamp provided by this printed response as there will be no other way of identifying your specific response. 

To return to the survey please click here

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