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  • Writer's pictureSteve Stuart

Research: Updates, boosts & launches

Research is key to the ethos of VRIC Consulting. The ability to make evidence based decisions on matters of Workforce Strategy is of key importance to Children's Services, Trusts and those who provide services to them.

Three bits of news relating to research being undertaken by VRIC consulting.

Workforce Capacity and Resilience

Exciting news was received on 26th February in that the Association of Directors of Children's Services have given their research approval for this project. Given the return of schools from 8th March the pertinence of this research which highlights reactions to the upsurge in the numbers and complexities of cases in light of the pandemic is clear.

Corporate Contingent Labour Supply Contracts and their efficacy for Children's Services Departments

Returns to the data collation are now over 60% and it is hoped to produce the report by the end of the Spring. Initial responses have provided significant evidence both in terms of the efficacy of the contracts but also to the levels of visibility of the unregulated contingent labour supply into councils.

Interest in the research is high. Consideration is being given to releasing the results via webinar to facilitate further collaboration between councils to receive better services.

Attitudes to flexible working & other conditions of employment

With different ways of working being forced upon workers in many fields VRIC Consulting is pleased to be able to announce that it has been commissioned to undertake research into the opinions of social workers towards flexible working practices in the post COVID world.

The first stage of this work will be within a single local authority and will be used to provide the basis of a much wider study at some point in the near future.

You can keep up to date with all the latest on our research projects via this page on our wesbite.

And if you are interested in commissioing research or other services from VRIC please contact us.

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